In collaboration with John Bertolaso and Janna Fuller.
1 week Gizmo challenge.
As part of the brief set with the Global Innovation MSc/MA (RCA & Imperial College) to create a wearable gizmo that is ‘delightful’ within a week, we explored the use of interactive objects as a means of creative expression of human interaction.
‘Talking in Footsteps’ is a set of interactive shoes that only activates when a pair of people within proximity ‘match’ allowing them then create and draw/spray paint through collaborative movement marking their interaction. In this way it illustrates the intricacies of human interaction and relationship, the exhilarating feeling when to minds and people ‘find each other’, coincide and create in harmony, whilst also the disappointment of incompatibility.
The shoes also represent our journeys and pathways in life that often are in isolation and towards the unknown. Very much like Dorothy’s slippers, by clipping your heels the shoes will mark footsteps of your path towards the unknown creating the comfort of a marked trail back to home but also an evidence for others to observe of the individual’s courageous journeys towards the unexplored.